Saturday, November 30, 2013
Today is a day that connects Diane and I beyond our own friendship. This is Mum’s birthday, and Diane lost her Mum on this day. It is also Diane’s mother-in-law’s birthday so important to us for many reasons. Deloise and Stacia held their annual Christmas open house today and, according to Alex, it was a good party!

I finished off my pizza box block last night. I didn’t do a very good job on my last block, but I’m happy with this one.
My plan was to get the Meals on Wheels placemat done today. The top was done, but it needed to be sandwiched and quilted. Before I could do either of those things I had to clear some surfaces. My craft table (where I cut) was covered, and I hadn’t seen Ruby’s cabinet in weeks. Once I got at the task it didn’t take too long to clear both surfaces and get the quilting done. I thought about doing an envelope on the placemat to avoid the binding. I wasn’t sure it would look as polished and, even though I’ll never know who gets mine and they’ll never know who made it, I decided to use the tried and true method I’ve always used. The quilting was done before noon and I had a bit of time to play with some birthday cards.

I wanted to set Pearl2 up in the kitchen to sew the placemat binding but I needed to clear that surface as well. I had moved all the Christmas gifts from my craft room to the kitchen table so all those gifts had to be dealt with before going any further. I have round one of my wrapping done, and the table is cleared. If I can get all of these wrapped and ready for the mail on Monday I’ll be very happy.
I set out a few Christmas ornaments today as I consider this to be the start of my Christmas season. I’m glad I kept a few things in the cupboards inside; it is rainy and windy today and I wouldn’t have wanted to be hauling boxes out of the shed.
I hope to be able to get the binding sewn on that placemat tonight.