Saturday, November 16, 2013
I took some photos of our table this morning but I’ve not been able to find my camera. I hope it is tucked away in one of the many bags and bins we have stored under the sale table.
We had about an hour at the hall to finish our setup before the doors opened to the public. Actually they opened the doors early and the public started wandering in about 9:45 (set start was for 10 AM). We were ready though so it was okay.
We had a slow start but by the end of the day I had earned back more than my share of the table price and Carola made about the same. I’m thankful for that. Carola is wondering what other sales we can get in on!
There was no one big seller, but my microwave bowls garnered the most comments! Some of the things I thought would be popular (gift card holders) weren’t and many people were wanting not-Christmas things. That’s good to know for another time.
I’ve already got a list of ideas for next year, but I’ve got one more day to get through!