Friday, September 6, 2013
Or, as Dave would say, Dis N’ Dat!
I was worried about my first appearance as Treasurer at the Guild meeting last night. It went incredibly well, and my evening was so much easier than my days on the Membership table. I felt sorry (sort of) for the ladies who were working that table and scrambling to get receipts written and accounts balanced while I enjoyed a cup of coffee and a treat!

The meeting was so much fun and we have a couple of Challenges going already. The Slice! came in a pizza box. There were 20 boxes, each with a different theme. We can make any size or shape of block that we want by adding our own fabric to the one piece we were given. Each month we will turn in our pizza box and pick another box with another theme. In June, when all the boxes are returned there will be a draw (and a trading area) to see who goes home with which theme. My first theme is Nursery Rhymes.

I am also participating in our Brown Bag Challenge. You purchase the brown bag without having any idea what the challenge is, or what is inside. This year the challenge is to make a Crazy Quilt. My bag contains all sorts of interesting fabrics, beads and embellishments. I’m not sure what I’ll make with mine; we keep our own so I can’t blame anyone else if I don’t like the end result!
Pat helped me to arrange the blocks for my baby quilt. We didn’t need to swap very many of them so perhaps my eye is getting better. The truth is that I think the quilt is so bright and busy it didn’t matter how it was put together. We decided on the border fabric; I thought I might have to purchase some but I found a colour in my stash that we both liked. There was a quilt at Show-and-Tell last night and I liked the way it was quilted. I think I’ll used her idea for this one.
I spent the rest of the morning finishing up business from last night’s meeting. I had a large deposit to get ready because of all the memberships that were accepted last night. I also made quite a few templates for the various tasks I will have to do during the year. I ran into a few issues that I have to get a bit more clarification on so there are still a few loose ends to be tied up. Overall though I still think this job will be easier than Membership. With the Guild meeting on Thursday and my free day on Friday I expect those will be the only days I’ll have to do any work. Of course I’m still doing the Guild Blog and I accepted a position as the CQA Rep – what is wrong with me?
I had a few errands to run this afternoon and it took me a lot longer than I had planned. I renewed my driver’s license, made my bank deposit and stopped at Staples to get some colour photocopying done. I think I’ll spend the rest of the afternoon sewing my baby quilt blocks together. I saw Trent and Deidre walking across a parking lot when I was on my way home so I know I’m not too late – yet!