
Monday, September 2, 2013

It felt like work of some sort should be done today so I started out with laundry, and just a little bit of cleaning. You will also see that I’ve done a few website updates. I hung my first load of laundry outside but, since it wasn’t drying very quickly, I decided to use the drier for the last load. It has looked a little like rain at different times of the day and I’ll probably end up having to run the outside load through the drier for just a few minutes too.

I worked on the Yoshi part of Dylan’s blanket this afternoon and got it done. The pattern I made was a lot larger than the other characters so he was done in half-stitches. He is still much larger than Mario and Luigi and he should have been in the center of the blanket but I’m not taking him out and doing it again!

I’ll get myself packed up for the bee tomorrow. We are having a short Guild executive meeting – an advantage of having all the Executive as regular Tuesday stitchers. The Secretary is very well-versed in Robert’s Rules of Order and I think she wants to get us organized as to how the meeting should be run. Even as Treasurer there are a couple of motions I have to make and I want to be sure they are done correctly and at the right point of the meeting.

Perhaps there will be time this evening to stitch Mario on the blanket.