Monday, August 26, 2013
I got an early start to the day as I had a couple of stops to make before I hit the BOND office. I got parcels wrapped last night and took them to the Post Office this morning – a back to school package for my grandchildren. From there I headed to the Red Cross and spent a half hour numbering equipment and sending new information off to Courtney.
Today’s lunch was easy, but involved lots of chopping. I made a Greek Salad with hummus and pita bread. There was potato salad left from last week’s beach day so that was added, as well as the usual plate of fruit and veggies. There weren’t a lot of ladies at lunch today but there weren’t any leftovers for me to bring home. Occasionally I’m lucky enough to bring home something for my sewing bee lunch. A couple of new ladies today; one is back with her second pregnancy and another one is brand new. We said goodbye to one Mum and baby today. We’re back to more pregnancies than babies again, but that may change next week when school starts again. The lunch is only for Mums and babies so if someone has a toddler or school aged children they need to find a sitter. That can be difficult for some so we see a drop off in attendance over the summer. And during the school year we usually see some of the ladies from the Young Mums program at the high school.
When I finished at BOND I headed back to the Red Cross office to take care of today’s renumbering and returns. I keep thinking the load will lessen, but it doesn’t seem to be slowing down much yet.
I picked up a few groceries before stopping at the Library. I went to sign onto my account last night only to be told my card had expired. I was told today that they expire the cards every two years so they can keep their information current. They have my email, plus my address and phone number, but apparently they don’t advise you your card is expiring. I’m set again for two more years worth of free reading!
It started raining late this afternoon, just after I got home. Pat was going to go to the movie but decided he didn’t feel like going out in the rain. I guess we’ll have a quiet evening with NetFlix.