Stitch stitch, stitch

Friday, August 23, 2013

I cleaned both of my sewing machines last night so I was ready to piece or quilt, whatever mood overtook me this morning. It has been a long time since I finished a project so I decided to do the applique work on a recent Project Tuesday wall hanging.

I’m not sure why I have difficulty making “just one thing”. It shouldn’t be so hard, but I seem to have a single idea that will work in several circumstances so before I know it I’m making two, three, or more of a single pattern. Even though I am working on three applique projects at once, I’ve had fun all day and hope to have something ready for the mail by Monday. Can you guess where they are headed?

After lunch, while Pat was at his piano lesson, I walked over to a friend’s house and dropped off a bag of books. Deb fell off her bike and, although nothing is broken, she has bruised and possibly cracked ribs. She’s on bed rest for a few more days but it will take four to six weeks for her to heal. I have so many books stacked up in my “to read” pile that I didn’t think I’d miss a few of them for a short while. Deb and I have never exchanged books, or even chatted about books, but she was happy to get them.

I made my daily trip to the Red Cross but wasn’t able to do too much work. I didn’t have any information from my Courtenay contact so I could only supply her with more info from our end. I brought some papers home to work on over the weekend, and I will have to have everything back before they open on Monday morning.

Pat and I did a grocery run while we were out so we’ll have a good supper tonight!