Thursday, August 22, 2013
I had my regular Red Cross shift at noon and I spent most of the morning writing up procedure sheets and notes for the afternoon meeting. I also had time to do a couple of loads of laundry and pick out some card patterns – September is a busy month!
Way back when I volunteered for this computer-inventory task I envisioned spending a couple of hours each week, after my regular shift, working on inventory. That’s certainly not how it worked out but, at least for today, the plan worked.
I expected to get lots done during the two hours of my shift but I think I had the busiest day ever! A few returns and there were about 15 pieces of equipment loaned out. At 2 PM we had a volunteer meeting that lasted an hour. There were ten ladies in attendance and I’m hoping the points I made will be clearer. I couldn’t believe the mistakes that were being made even though the manual procedure is the same as before the inventory. Maybe the computer sitting on the desk is sending out “vibes”.
So, when everyone finally left for the day, I still had to label and record all the returned items. The volunteers who trained on the computer are trying to enter their loans, but it is a slow machine and on a busy day they aren’t able to keep up. The data entry was to be mine to do on the Thursday shift so I felt I should stay and get it cleared up before I left for the day. It was after five before I locked the door.
I’m fighting a cold (tickly throat mostly) so I’m not planning to do anything this evening! I am certainly looking forward to a full day (almost) of sewing tomorrow.