Christmas in July

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

I was up early this morning to get the doors and windows open to let in the cool air. I also needed to gather my supplies for the sewing bee. Christmas in July is my theme for the month so I needed to find some Christmas-related projects.

I have an Advent Calendar top that was ready to be sandwiched. I cut the batting and backing before breakfast and got it packed up. I have an idea for “the” Christmas gift this year, but before I decide for sure I wanted to try out the pattern; it is a freebie from the internet so you never know. I picked some fabrics from the fat quarters Diane gave me for Christmas last year. And because I always like to have more to do than I have time for I took the fabric for a wall hanging so I could start the cutting.

The sandwiching went fine, although I always seem to get home and decide that a few places need to be pulled a little tighter and re-pinned. Next up I cut the fabric for my “idea”. I got all the pieces cut but when I started to quilt the piece I had some problems. I thought it was because I didn’t have a walking foot for Pearl2, so I put that project aside and started some piecing on a related project. The piecing wasn’t working any better, so I gave up and put my machine away. I don’t think the bobbin was wound properly, but I didn’t have a spare bobbin and couldn’t test that theory. So it was a good thing I had that third project!

After the bee I had a bit of shopping to do. One of my stops was the fabric store to pick up material for some curtains for Taylor’s bedroom. There were some sale fabrics that will work for my Christmas project so I stocked up. It is, after all, Christmas in July!