Thursday, June 27, 2013
I always start my day with a cup of coffee – in fact it is the thought of that cup of coffee that gets me out of bed most mornings. I had my usual cup and then, since I still had some hand stitching to do, I made another cup and got to work. When I finished my morning projects I had another cup just to celebrate.
I have started my packing. I hope by doing it a little at a time I won’t forget anything. I still have to find a hand project to take along with me. Taylor’s blankie needs some repairs but, unless it is like Dylan’s, it won’t take a week. Dylan’s blankie has been beyond repair for a long time. In fact, I think he has all three of his blankies tied together and it still doesn’t make a decent one. Maybe that is what I should make next!
I took my book along to my Red Cross shift. That is usually a sure sign it will be busy, but not today. I’m not enjoying the book and read only the smallest bit at night, so it was good to have nothing else to do but read. When I got home, to celebrate the fact that I’m on holiday tomorrow, I made myself a latte!
I had enough time this afternoon to do some cleaning in my rooms upstairs. And I may have enough energy left to do some vacuuming downstairs. I still have one project to stitch while I wait for Pat to get home on the late evening ferry. With all that caffeine in my system there is little chance I’ll fall asleep before he gets here!