Monday, June 24, 2013
I really enjoyed the showcase last night. The featured performer was a local woman, Devon Hanley. I’ve seen Devon play a couple of times, but it was nice to hear an entire set presented. Devon is the woman who ran Solutions for Seniors, the group that paired Margaret and I. When I spoke to her after the show she didn’t remember me (we’d only ever met over the telephone), but when I reminded her I was the woman who spent a couple of hours with the wrong senior she laughed and said “Oh yes!” I wonder how many times she has told that story? Devon works at the library too so I often see her when I’m there.
As I was leaving the house this morning the sky was very ominous looking and I knew we were in for some rain. While I was in the post office the deluge arrived and I got quite soaked running back to the car. The heavy rain didn’t last long but there were showers right up until the time I went indoors to prepare lunch. I always hope the sun will be shining when I come out after lunch but not so today – more rain and wind. Of course no one is complaining after knowing what Calgary went through.
It had been a few weeks since I’d done a BOND lunch and I was glad that tacos were on the menu. There’s not much that can go wrong with tacos. I made lots, but only seven women showed up – apparently last week they were swamped. Surprisingly there wasn’t as much left over as you would think. Most of the ladies had seconds and there were some thirds as well. There were no new babies in the room today, but the ones that were there have certainly grown since I last saw them. They are all at the “smiley” stage so fun to be around.
I headed up to my studio when I got home. I wanted to finish the quilting on my surprise project so it could get packed up for binding at the bee tomorrow. I’ll pick out a few cards to work on as well. It is always better to have too much to work on than not enough.