Frame by Frame

Frame by FrameThe pattern came from I think this is the first quilt I’ve made using an actual pattern rather than combining individual blocks.

Before the quilting

The fabric was remnants from other projects. Most of the pinks and at least one of the greens were from Emma’s butterfly quilt and the black was from Madison’s cat quilt. I used a soft pink flannel as backing for the piece.

This is also the first large quilt that I have done with a free-motion technique. I used stitch-in-the-ditch around all the frames (yes, there were a lot of knots to tie in) and a loop (in free-motion) for the larger areas of the quilt.

I didn’t originally have a home for the quilt; I thought it might become a Community Quilt but the ladies at the bee said it was too nice. Since the fabrics are rather “girlie” I thought it would be nice for Kathryn as she lives in a house with all boys.