Catching up

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

It’s lovely to be home, but there is a lot of catching up to do. No trip is made without a few gifts so, as you can see, I have posted them on my website. And along with the website updates there are sheets for my project binders that need to be completed and photos that need to be printed. It had been a couple of weeks since my last Guild blog so I reminded our members of some upcoming events.

PurchasesIf you could see all my credit card receipts you would never believe that I’m not a shopper! Most of the items in this pile have a purpose, but no promises as to when the projects will be completed! The oranges and green flannel are for a Community Quilt I’m making. Doesn’t that green fabric remind you of Aunt Gertie’s Cottage Cheese Salad? The yellow flannel will be a backing for a baby quilt I hope to get started soon (at least before the baby is too old). The Charm Pack and Jelly Roll are for a couple of Craftsy lessons I have signed up for. The Christmas fabric is for another Craftsy class, and there is a small roll of fabric labels. I bought a quilt pattern (on a card the size of a postcard) and the Bali Pop will be for that. The other small pile are a bunch of odds and ends I picked up (some of which were on sale).

I finished a book the night before I left and planned to read from my iPad while I was away. On my first day in Saskatoon though Alex and I made a trip to his library where they just happened to be having a book sale! We both picked up two books “that we can keep forever”. I read The Infinite Plan while I was there, and have started Wolf Hall. I wasn’t really interested in it when it first came out, but for $1 it was worth a try. After a visit to Deloise’s I came home with two more books. I’ve read the Ian Rankin, and I have added the other one to my shelf.

My unpacking is done, and I did a bit of cleaning today. I still need to put away some of my fabric purchases, and I am behind on a couple of my June cards already! I’ll get at them tomorrow I guess because I’d like to do some knitting for the rest of the day.