New friends

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Do you have a lot of Facebook friends? I don’t, and most of my friends are really family. I was delighted to have two new friend requests in as many days. Lainey, who owns Galena Bay fabrics, sent me a request. I haven’t bought anything for a couple of weeks so perhaps this is her way of luring me back. And Melissa, the bass player in Scott Cook’s band, also sent me a friend request. My world is expanding!

Today was my “make it” or “give up on it” day. I had one mystery project that I wanted to get done before leaving for Saskatchewan. When I started work on it this morning all I had was a pile of fabric and an idea of a pattern. I took a good part of the morning designing the pattern. It looked good on paper but I wasn’t sure how well it would translate.

Before starting to cut and sew I had a few other things I needed to get done. The ladies who are taking the Guild class this weekend wanted a catered lunch so I needed to go out and get that arranged. One of our Guild members is head of the deli at Quality Foods so, with her help, I have something for both Saturday and Sunday. This is the first time we’ve done a catered lunch – usually it is bring your own or a pot luck. The folks taking this class are more advanced quilters than I am and I’ve learned lots for them so I don’t mind making an extra effort for them.

My next stop was to find some summer clothes for myself. I usually shop at Thrift Stores but everything I’ve found lately has looked like thrift store quality. I came home with a couple of new things – now if only our summer weather would return!

I had a very productive afternoon and the mystery top is finished. The “real thing” doesn’t look as good as the paper design but from a distance I think the pattern shows. Depending on what Pat has planned for tonight I may start quilting after supper or I may go back to my knitting.