Sunday, May 19, 2013
I needed a good breakfast this morning because I wasn’t stopping for lunch until the binding was on my quilt. After a bowl of porridge with raisins and nuts I headed upstairs to tackle that binding. It was almost two before I finished, but it felt great to be done. Not quite done I guess because the binding still needs to be stitched down by hand. That’s a job I plan for next weekend while I’m playing hostess to the Guild’s out of town teacher, Roger Kerr.
We’re hosting four musicians tomorrow night. Pat met Scott Cook when he attended the song writing workshop in Wells, BC a few years ago. When he noticed that Scott was doing a tour of the Island and had a free day he suggested he come across on the ferry and play an evening at The Hub restaurant. Everything was arranged and then a few days ago we found out that he is traveling as part of a trio. No problem, more folks but we still have beds for everyone if someone doesn’t mind sleeping on an air mattress on the floor. Just a day ago we found out that one of the trio is bringing his girlfriend. The good news is that The Hub will feed them so there won’t be any need to shop or make meals.
I have some research to do for a new project. Alex and Will called me this afternoon to see if I would make them a mascot. They don’t need the whole mascot, just a dragon’s head. They may be under the impression that their Grandma is more capable than I actually am, but I’m going to see if I can make them something suitable.
For what is left of the day though I’m going to get back to another sewing project – one that is on my list.