Friday, May 10, 2013
I finished my book yesterday afternoon – Something Fierce. I tried to find the podcast of the on-air book club this afternoon but didn’t have any luck. Perhaps I have to listen live on the night it happens. The rest of the books don’t look that interesting to me, but they are no doubt books that would be good for me to read.

We puttered away most of the morning. We had some shopping to do so went out for breakfast just to fortify ourselves. WalMart opens before the other shops in the mall so I did all my shopping there. Elizabeth gave me a gift card that I hadn’t completely used so I bought a tool box for my quilting tools. I looked first at the fishing tackle boxes but they have such little trays it didn’t seem like it would work very well. I found a tool box with lots of compartments and pull-out drawers. It has a handle so it will be easier to pack along to the bees.

Yesterday the letter carrier left a parcel card so I stopped at the post office in the mall to pick it up. I was very surprised to see that Pearl 2 had arrived. She is heavier than I expected, but I’m sure I’ll be happy with her. I have her out of the box but no further.
On the way home we stopped at Starbucks for coffee and by the time that was done it was close to noon. It wanted to get my laundry outside as early as possible so while the first loads ran through I took care of some of house cleaning. It was close to mid-afternoon before I made it upstairs to start on my quilting.
I probably won’t get as much done this weekend as I anticipated, and I’m trying to be okay with that. There are a lot of interesting things going on tomorrow so, again, I won’t get a full day in my studio.