Saturday, May 4, 2013
I had such a great time at the Centre. Although I love stitching at home in my studio, it is so much more fun when there are more than a dozen of us working on a variety of projects. I finished stitching the dozen blocks I needed and got started the squaring-up process.

My contribution to the effort this year is my 10″ Square Quilt. I took the class through the Guild and used up a lot of my scrap fabrics. That’s a good excuse to be buy more don’t you think? I don’t know how it will go together (that’s tomorrow’s task) but I’m liking the individual blocks. Each cutting makes three squares and there are five different ways to cut the original 10″ squares. The blocks square up to 8.5 inches so the trimming is going very well – I’m not having to stretch and repress to get the correct measurements.