BOND on the road

Monday, February 18, 2013

Sunshine and flowers yesterday; rain and snow this morning! The snow didn’t last long, but it sprinkled rain most of the day. In spite of it all, the crocuses across the street were still in full bloom.

Every now and again the BOND lunch is held at Family Place, the drop-in center in the mall. It is a chance for the Mums to get acquainted with the programs the center offers for them and their children when they graduate from the BOND program. On the days we are in the mall the Mums are encouraged to bring not only their babies but also any of their other children.

I’ve only done one meal at Family Place, but I think it has shrunk since I was there last. There is a bit of counter space to do the prep work, but once a tray is ready there isn’t anyplace to set it while you prepare the next tray. I was making quesadillas so I needed two burners on the stove (one for a veggie version and one for a chicken version) as well as the oven to keep the quesadillas warm before serving. There is a dishwasher in the space, but I don’t think it works as no one seems to use it. That meant all the dishes needed to be washed by hand – that kept me busy for a full hour. I did get a compliment from the coordinator of Family Place when I left. She said their kitchen area was cleaner when I left than it has been for a long time!

I usually collapse on my chair after a BOND day. I’m in a state of panic over my quilts so after coffee and a lovely chat with Stacia I came up to my studio and did a bit of quilting. I feel like I could fall asleep, but I have a very busy week coming up so I have to take advantage of every bit of time I have at home.