Wednesday, February 13, 2013
Between loads of laundry, I was able to finish the quilting on all of the blocks in my applique quilt today. Are you as tired of this quilt as I am?
I’ve been worried about what sort of pattern I should use in the borders and today I had to make a decision. I thought that the easiest way would be to do a cross-hatch on the border. Although that would be the easiest for me, it would be the most visible. The fabric in the border is quite busy and I thought, if I did things right, the quilting could be almost invisible.
My other idea was to try and do a leaf and vine motif. A quick look on the internet didn’t turn up anything I felt comfortable using, and I wasn’t very confident in my free-hand free-motion quilting. So what to do?
I went back to the drawing board and came up with something that I thought would work, and that Pat liked. By the time I got back up to the studio I had changed my mind again. Not a big change, more of a modification.

Can you see what I did? I thought not!