Friday, December 21, 2012
Pat went out this morning to get a Christmas tree and I stayed home to wait for a courier delivery. Pat didn’t get a tree because everything was still closed, and no courier stopped by. While I was waiting I got a bit of cleaning done – enough to see me through until Christmas I hope.
I spent most of the day in my studio working in my virtual world. I had some Guild updates to do, I balanced my bank accounts, I paid some bills, I cleaned out my Inbox and then I just had to load (and play with) a new quilting software package I bought. Although I didn’t have time to explore as much as I would have liked, I think the package will be helpful for my colour challenges. I think I can take a photo of my fabric and then import it into the program. I can create the block I’m working on from scratch or use the many blocks they have included. I need more time to play around but I still have a few overdue tasks I have to complete before we leave for Christy’s.
Pat went out later this afternoon and brought home a lovely tree. We often get a small tree and set our Santa tree stand on a table. The tree this year was too tall for that so we put it on the floor. I brought up all the decorations from the shed and was looking forward to admiring each and every one of them as they went on the tree. It always amazes me how quickly we get testy when we are trying to get the tree secured and straight in the stand!
Once we had it all set up I got a pitcher of water so Pat could fill the canister. When we added a second pitcher, Pat was surprised that the container wasn’t full. It was then we realized that the water was running right through the container and onto the floor. Good thing I put plastic under the red felt so very little got on the laminate.
What was wrong? Either in the move from Port Coquitlam or setting it up today, the entire bottom of the tree stand had broken away. We didn’t want to shop for a tree stand so we moved the tree onto the deck just outside the window. We had extra outdoor lights so those went on but the decorations all went back to the shed!