Wednesday, October 24, 2012
I had great plans to get the house cleaned today but I ended up spending most of the morning at the computer and ironing board. Pat will be hosting another sold-out House Concert on Friday and I told him I’d get the cleaning done before I left. Aside from taking care of the compost and scrubbing out the kitchen sink I’ll have to do it all tomorrow. I took care of some Guild work so I guess I deserved some fun!
After last night’s decision not to spend any more time getting my appliqué blocks done, I found myself drawn to them today. I’m not completing the task of placing the shapes on the background, but I have two (of the four blocks) ready to that stage. I found a couple more pieces that I failed to cut out the first time around so now I feel like I have to get those last two blocks done just to be sure I have all the pieces.
It was a rainy day today but I wanted to get my flu shot before leaving on my trip. Pat had a class at the Rec Center this afternoon so I went along with him and caught the tail end of their flu clinic. From there I walked across to the hospital to see Margaret, and then wandered home in the rain. I had a few errands to take care of on the way. About the only nice thing about a walk in the rain is that I was able to wear my rubber boots – I love my rubber boots!
We were out at the movies tonight. I’ll miss a few in the film series when I’m gone, and there are some good “regular” films on while I’m away. Oh well, sooner or later they will probably show up on TV.