Misplaced, not lost

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Before I went to bed last night I thought of something I wanted to take with me on my trip. When I went to the place I expected to find it in, it wasn’t there. I looked in a few more spots and, when I didn’t find it, I admit I panicked just a little. I headed up to my studio and did a quick look through some of the boxes that have been looked at, but never unpacked, since our move. When that search didn’t turn up anything I was really worried. I checked a couple of drawers (where it really shouldn’t have been) and even my silver chest.

I was certain the piece wasn’t lost, but not remembering where I had put it bothered me all night. First thing this morning (we’re talking before six) I was back searching. I looked in my cedar chest with fingers crossed, but to no avail. I started going through those unpacked boxes yet again.

When Pat took his first break between classes I was telling him how sick I was feeling. As I wandered down the hall to get dressed I thought of one more place to look. I have an old box of Grandma Erickson’s in the spare room and, thank heavens, what I was looking for was in that box.

After I finished my happy dance I headed back upstairs to deal with the mess I had made. Since I had the box open, I dealt with a lot of old photos. I managed to get rid of some duplicates and sort the others. My New Year’s resolution is going to be to get all my photos “looked after”. Please hold me to that!

Margaret called this morning. I thought she was going to say she had been released from hospital, but she wanted to tell me she had been moved. She’s in the Maternity Ward, and we had a good laugh about that! I stopped in to see her this afternoon and she is so much better than a week ago when they sent her home. She is walking well although she doesn’t have her stamina back yet. They are doing lab checks on her every day, but she has yet to see her doctor.

This afternoon was my regular Red Cross shift – it wasn’t busy so I had time to read a couple of new magazines. New in the Red Cross room means anything after 2010! I found a recipe to try and a new joke for my grandchildren next time they call.

Pat is playing for the dinner crowd at the Savory Bight tonight and I am off to a Guild demo on how to make reversible quilts.