Friday, September 14, 2012
I was in my studio yesterday morning playing with my new toy (Ruby) when Pat called and asked if I wanted to see a Joni Mitchell film called “Painting with Words and Music”. As an added bonus Joni Mitchell was going to be introducing her film, and the ticket included a four-course Italian dinner. The event was coming up next week at the Ruby Lake Resort, which we pass every time we travel between Vancouver and Earl’s Cove. We know when we see the “Turtles Crossing” sign at Ruby Lake that we are almost at the ferry terminal.
I told him I wasn’t a Joni Mitchell fan, but the dinner and evening sounded interesting. Pat got on the phone and Giorgio told him that the event was sold out and there were 40 people on the waiting list. But he also said that the resort wasn’t busy that night and we were welcome to come for dinner. He said Joni is there all the time and he would introduce us to her. And if we wanted to spend the night he would give us a great deal on the room. We decided to be spontaneous and accept his offer.
I had just enough time to throw a few things into a bag before heading out for our Red Cross shift. When the shift was over I hurried Margaret home (as much as it is possible to hurry her) because we wanted to catch the 3:20 ferry and our shift doesn’t finish until two.

We had to make a stop for gas on the way to the ferry terminal, but were there in time for the ferry, if there was room. There were a lot of cars and we were a bit concerned when they stopped our line with about four cars in front of us. After a bit of shifting on deck though we were able to get on. It was a lovely day to be on the water.

The resort is only ten minutes from the ferry terminal and we were all settled into our room shortly after 4:30, although Giorgio wasn’t around and hadn’t left any information about our arrival and our special deal. There isn’t much to do at the resort except relax. The resort is on a lagoon across the road from Ruby Lake. Until the highway was put in, the lagoon and lake were one body of water. We wandered across the lagoon bridge and spent a couple of very pleasant hours on the patio deck. We had a cold drink (or two) and watched the ducks on the lagoon and the chickens wandering in the yard.
We eventually got to supper. The place is a family business and the family moved from Milan, Italy about twenty years ago. Giorgio’s brother is the chef and we had a wonderful salad followed by an excellent pasta dish. We eventually got too cold outside so we moved inside for dessert.

And, true to his word, Giorgio arrived and had us move to a table right beside where he, Joni and a couple of other of their friends were sitting. Giorgio told us that the best time for him to introduce us was when Joni went for a cigarette. We sat at our table for a bit, but I felt a bit uncomfortable eavesdropping on the next table’s conversation so I walked across the lagoon bridge (in the dark) back to our cabin.
Pat stayed on. Giorgio came through on his promise and Pat had a lovely (and lengthy) conversation with Joni Mitchell!
Nothing so exciting on today’s schedule. We drove the road beyond Ruby Lake looking for breakfast, but the spot that was recommended to us was closed so we drove back to the ferry terminal to wait for our 10:30 ferry back to Powell River.
Once in town we did some shopping at WalMart and Safeway. It was close to 1:30 before we were in the door with the groceries put away. I had lunch and then headed upstairs with my sewing machine table (it arrived on Thursday while I was at the Red Cross). When I had the table assembled, Pat helped my rearrange my studio (again) so I will be all set for sewing. Everything had to be moved or displaced while we were rearranging so I think I’ll need to do some clean-up before I’ll feel like any stitching. And if this arrangement doesn’t work I’ll move everything around and start over again!
With all this need for shopping, rearranging and cleaning do you think I’m avoiding the sewing because I’m a little intimidated by Ruby?