Busy day

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

I wasn’t sure how many Prairie Points I was going to need for my Butterfly quilt, but they were my first priority at the bee today. I was planning to make four of each colour, but I took another look at the picture and they used sixty points. Since the math was easy enough to figure out I cut out five of each of the twelve colours. Of course my quilt probably isn’t the same size as theirs, but if there are any left over they can go into my pre-cut stash.

I had over seventy string blocks made for a community quilt, but they had never been trimmed. Since I packed my rulers and cutting board for the Prairie Points, I threw in my container of string blocks and got them all squared up. I’d like to have this quilt finished before our next Community Quilt day, but there are a number of things that are ahead of it in priority.

Since I still had some time left at the bee I stitched down a few more leaves on my appliqué block. I’m soon going to have to break down and get the last of the blocks cut and placed.

I had about fifteen minutes at home and then I headed out again to pick Margaret up for a doctor’s appointment. From there we had to go to the pharmacy, and it was after four before I got home. It had been cloudy all day, but about 4:30 the sun came out and it was instantly hot. I spent about an hour in the yard watering. That is generally Pat’s job but since he is away I’m stuck with it. The grass needs to be cut (which is my job), and I’ll try and get that done tomorrow.

I’m not sure how long I will stick with it, but I’m back to my cross stitch for the rest of the evening.