Monday, July 23, 2012
I spent the morning in my studio. I did some math work for making my Prairie Points. I’m still not sure how you get a full point to end up at each of the corners, but I guess I’ll learn more tomorrow at the bee. How much easier would it be to use a pattern for a quilt than trying to make a quilt from a picture?
I had enough morning left to get some appliqué work done on my Christmas project. I thought I might be able to begin placing the pieces on the background, but I think it will be a long process and I wanted a good stretch of time to get it started. I’ll have to place a piece or two and stitch them down and then place a couple more and stitch them and so on and so on.
I picked Margaret up after lunch as she had to get more lab work done. We went to the hospital and there was quite a line-up at the lab so we went for coffee. By the time we went back the line-up was gone and she walked straight in. She is up to number four on the list for the assisted living housing.
Before I left this afternoon I took out a cross stitch project I started earlier in the year. This too is a Christmas piece and if there is any hope that it will be done I’d better get busy. I did a bit of work on it before supper, and I’ll work at it for a little longer tonight. Then I’m going to get some more reading done – I’m really enjoying this book.