
Monday, July 16, 2012

I gave up on getting my photos captioned and loaded onto my digital frame by Wednesday. Pat has almost the same photos as I do so our guests won’t be missing anything by looking at his collection.

Today was the first day in a long time that I’ve really felt like tackling some sewing. I’ve puttered a few days and made a few small projects, but what was really bugging me were the things I had on my design wall.

I cut and attached the binding to my Bargello table topper. I should be able to get the hand stitching done on it tomorrow at the bee. Having that done cleared off one of my design walls.

I’ve been looking at the pillow top I made in my free-motion quilting class since … forever (it seems). I think I took the class last October or November. I decided that today I would finish it off. I found a pattern online that showed me how to do the overlapping back. The only problem I had was remembering where I had put the pillow form the last time I cleaned up!

I’ve known for quite some time why I haven’t moved ahead on my Christmas project. I followed the pattern directions but I wasn’t happy with the results and I knew I had to do some reverse stitching. I took down all the pieces I had ready to appliqué onto it, and I’ll rip out the part I don’t like tomorrow at the bee. When that is restitched I think I will be able to move ahead quite quickly. I figured out how to do the satin stitch on my machine, and that will be the next step. With that piece down my second design wall was clear.

I still had some time left in the afternoon so I dug out my Butterfly quilt (it was on my traveling design wall) and got the top pieced together. I still need to put a couple of borders on it. I’m going to try Prairie Points, and I’m hoping our Guild library will have a book that will show me how to do them.