Sunday, July 1, 2012
We had a wonderful weekend with Christy, Dylan and Taylor. Although the weather didn’t cooperate as much as we would have liked, we did get in lots of outdoor activities. They left just a few hours ago and the house seems very quiet – too quiet!

We spent one morning out on the seawall. Dylan dug for crabs and was quite willing to share them with Taylor. Taylor liked splashing in the waves breaking on the shore. It’s a good thing we all (well most of us) had rubber boots. We saw the otters that we’ve heard so much about – there was a pack of about six fishing just at the beginning of the trail. We had a seal keeping his eye on us, and there were eagles all along the trail.
We were at Willingdon Beach a couple of times. We spent one afternoon at the playground and the beach, and another afternoon walking the Mighty Machine trail. Taylor surprised us all be making it all the way to the end of the trail and back.

The kids had fun with the toys in the playroom. It is lovely to have a little girl to appreciate all the girl toys I have from when my girls were small. We did some crafts one rainy morning – it wasn’t rainy enough though to prevent us from going out for a cinnamon bun!

The one time the clouds broke and we had some sunny weather was late one afternoon. We had supper on the deck and then we headed out to the school grounds for a play before bed.

This morning we celebrated Canada Day at the Open Air Market. We arrived just as they were singing O Canada and we were among the first 100 visitors who got a piece of cake. The train ride was the big appeal, but after that was over there wasn’t much else to do. Although it wasn’t very warm we took a picnic lunch out to Donkersley Beach and the kids had fun playing in the sand. I know we left some sand at the beach, but a lot seems to have come home with us too! While Taylor napped this afternoon, Pat and Dylan went for a round of mini-golf.

All too soon it was time to head up to the airport and get them on the plane. I miss them already. But look what I found on my desk when I came upstairs tonight – Taylor left her foam-craft picture for me. Thanks Taylor!