Thursday, June 21, 2012
I frittered my morning away – I remember a winning streak of Mahjong, a few e-mails received and answered, and a magazine I finished reading. And then it was time to pick Margaret up for our Red Cross shift. When we got to the hospital the doors to the Loan Cupboard were shut up tight – I guess the morning volunteer couldn’t make it. It wasn’t a busy day and I had a new stack of magazines to read while Margaret went for her walk.
Margaret had a doctor’s appointment late this afternoon so we sat in McDonalds and had coffee until it was time to head off for that. She got some new ideas of what she might be able to do to alleviate the pains in her legs – I hope she remembers what they are, and that they help.
After dropping Margaret at home I had to hurry home and get my Cream Puff Cake finished for the Guild’s wind-up party. It was very easy to make and it was very well received – I only brought home a couple of pieces. The party was such fun. Our menu was appies and desserts and there were lots of yummy treats in each category.

We were showing off our Challenge pieces, as well as the Cookie Tin Exchange projects.
There was still time for Show and Tell – I presented my Mystery Quilt – and there were 31 beautiful quilts collected for the Community Quilts project. We rounded out the evening by drawing names for a table full of door prizes. I came home with a lovely bag that included some fabric, a pattern, some thread, beads, and buttons. The pattern has a winter theme so it will fit into my Christmas in July plan!