Brayden’s birthday is within the first week of the month and in my rush to get the card in the mail I neglected to take a photo. I used the string technique in some bright novelty prints. Will you take my word that it was marvelous?
Since I was fresh off my hexie Block of the Month class I incorporated a couple of hexagon sizes into Ken’s card. For the quilting I outlined the largest hexie. I assumed (never assume) I had taken a photo when I finished the card but again you will have to take my word that it was another work of art!

I made Jodie’s card after a demo at the Guild. My colour choices weren’t right, and the flying geese get lost in the piece. I was able to do a bit of free-motion quilting, but that tends to hide the geese even more. More practice required I guess.

I had lots of strings and not much time before we left on our vacation. Brody’s card was in shades of blue because he spends so much time in the water with his swimming.

I wanted to try another flying geese pattern and Sawyer had a birthday coming up!