Tuesday, June 12, 2012
I slept well last night, but I was up at 5:30 this morning. It was a rainy day and I really felt like I needed more sleep so I headed back to bed after about an hour. I listened to the radio but I never did fall back to sleep.
I was slow to get started today, and I didn’t do much once I did get started. It took me most of the morning (and some of the afternoon) to get all my photos from the trip downloaded. I have them all sorted, but there is still a lot of work to be done. I will eventually make a photo book from them (thanks to Kathryn’s gift) so I won’t have to bore folks with a five-hour slideshow!
We went out this afternoon to pick up a few groceries. We are going to try to shop more frequently and purchase only what we need for the next few days. The plan was to walk to the store but it was raining, and we were tired, and we’ll see how many excuses we can come up with before that actually starts happening. Pat made a lovely pasta sauce tonight – we’re also going to try to start cooking more Italian!
We went to the movie tonight. This was our first chance to see the new digital equipment in action. The movie was in 3D – something we weren’t able to have with the old equipment. The picture quality was outstanding – the $90,000 deal included a new screen too. And right from the opening you could hear the difference in the sound quality. Except for the seats (which haven’t changed) you could almost believe you were in a modern theater and not one that is 100 years old.