Saturday, June 2, 2012
We got an early start this morning – the croissants at breakfast were still warm. We decided to explore an area of the city we hadn’t been in before – the giraffe district. They also must have been celebrating last night as most of the streets were lined with flags, as well as their own particular lamps.

We found a beautiful church and wandered in for a look. It had the most beautiful stained glass windows that we’ve seen up to now. We also found another escalator that took us down five levels, but when we got to the bottom there really wasn’t anything to see. So we took the escalator back up and carried on.
Next up we wanted to check out the piazza where we will be catching the bus tomorrow. There are only three buses on Sunday so we are hoping to get on the first one. We have to be put of the hotel by ten, so that we will be in line early.
I decided I wanted to go back to the wool shop and take another look at the kits. It took us a bit of time to find the right side street but when we did the shop was closed. I guess it just wasn’t meant to be.
After lunch, that Pat managed to order even though there was no menu, we wandered some more and stopped at the small sanctuary next door to our hotel. The sanctuary is the former home of St. Catherine, and our hotel is in the building that housed her family’s business – a wool dying shop.
We spent a bit of time in the shade of the San Domineco church and then headed back to the hotel for siesta time. I’ve had a chance to read a bit these past few days and I’m really enjoying my Stephen King book.
Dinner tonight is at another nearby restaurant. We have an Englishman serving us so there is no problem with the language.
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