Friday, June 1, 2012
We were so tired from our excursion yesterday we slept through the 7:00, 7:30 and 8:00 church bells – and they are not quiet chimes. We downloaded yesterday’s photos before breakfast and then spent most of the morning in the hotel sitting room trying to figure out where we had been. It took a couple of guide books, a couple of maps, and a couple of receipts but we think we know all the places we stopped. It was almost noon before we set out on today’s adventure.
We visited the Bapistry this morning and while Pat sat in the Piazza I checked out some street vendors. I had seen something I wanted to get for a couple of my granddaughters, but couldn’t remember where I had seen them. I didn’t see what I was looking for but on the way back to meet Pat I found them. I’m not sure how I will fit them in my suitcase – even if I don’t bring back my clothes!
After lunch we walked back to the University’s botanical gardens. We strolled all the paths and then found a nice bench in the shade. The garden was quiet, except for the birds singing. We both had our iPads so we spent a couple of hours reading and relaxing. It was lovely to sit and do nothing!

We took a different back street home and we passed a wool shop. If there is anything I don’t need it is wool, but it was lovely to look at. They had some cross stitch kits as well – if we pass by it again I might be tempted with one of them.
We ate supper at the restaurant we had lunch in the first day we were here. Our hotel is situated very near a number of restaurants. We’ve tried a lot of them but the one we ate at tonight is a favorite. As we walked home we could see an almost-full moon.
There is something going on in the piazza below the hotel tonight. We could hear the noise and saw from the balcony that they have a big tent set up. Their sound system kicked in just a few minutes ago – I think it will be a long and noisy night!
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