Tuesday Night, May 15th about 10 PM
I couldn’t keep my eyes open once I sat down to read so joined Pat in having a nap. We had set an alarm because we didn’t want to sleep too long. When we decided to go for dinner we looked at the restaurant at the hotel but decided we would just wander a bit and find something. We found a rooftop restaurant just around the corner. The food was okay but we’ll refer to our guide books when we are next left to eat on our own!

It the glass of wine doesn’t make me sleep the lemon liqueur we had after dinner should do the trick. It was so yummy I expect we’ll be looking for a bottle to keep handy!
After dinner we wandered around a few streets. Pat said I was very brave to be out wandering the streets of Italy without a map or knowing the district. I wasn’t worried as I made Pat promise he wouldn’t lose me and we eventually found our way back. And after all, how exciting to be walking the streets of Rome!

There were some incredible sights along the way. I have no clue what these buildings are, but they are old and beautiful!
does it get dark early there?