Tuesday, May 8, 2012
I skipped the sewing bee today as I’m starting to get a little crazy about everything I need to get done before we leave. I spent an hour on Guild business this morning though – I have officially taken over the Guild blog. I thought I’d have to do a posting before we left, but the previous owner of the blog made her final post this morning.
I did a bit of work on my cards before picking Margaret up after lunch. She had a few errands to run but mostly we were out for coffee. We chatted a lot about her past trips overseas. She’s been to Finland about five times, and she has made at least one trip to London and Paris.
When I got home Pat was busy cutting the grass on the boulevard. Although that wasn’t in my plan for today I couldn’t leave him out there working all alone. I raked up the grass clippings and got them into bags while Pat finished the weed whacking. While I was still working he got out the blower and cleaned off the sidewalk. All that work and when we got inside we couldn’t even see what we had done! Oh well, we know it looks good on the other side of the fence.
There are so many things in the garden just starting to bud. The lilacs are no more than a few days away from being in blossom, and there are buds on the peonies and calendulas. There are a couple of pansies in bloom, and a couple of our hanging baskets from last year have “things” blossoming in them.
I finished stitching the cards tonight. I’m still not happy with my bindings because I keep trying to find a workable shortcut, so for the final two cards I went back to the “normal” method. It is awkward but so far it works the best. I’ll get the hand stitching done tonight and they will be ready for the mail tomorrow. Note to self – take a photo!