This project was the result of a mystery quilt weekend sponsored by the Timberlane Quilt Guild. We were told to purchase fabric in a light, medium and dark tone. I looked at many of the fabrics that Lainey had on her clearance shelf and, of all the ones I looked at, only the rosebud material seemed suitable as my light fabric. Based on that fabric, I picked my medium and dark tones. It was a toss-up but in the end the pink became the medium and the green became the dark.
There was a lot of cutting involved and that was all done before we met as a group on the first day.
We were handed the instructions, one step at a time, and at the end of the first day I still had no clue about how the quilt would end up looking. On the second day, as the faster sewists finished their blocks and started putting them together, I was able to get an idea of the design. But everyone had completely different fabric so I still wasn’t sure how mine would look when it was complete.

Once the top was done the Tuesday morning ladies suggested adding a zinger of pink and a border of green. I finished the project at home over several weeks. I outlined the stars in a straight-line stitch and chose a template for quilting in the larger squares.
For my binding, I picked a pink that was a shade darker that the fabric in the quilt.
UPDATE: This quilt went to Kathryn