Friday, March 16, 2012
I had word today that Stacia and Deloise have booked their trip to Powell River. They will arrive at the end of April. I can hardly wait!
I was back at the Sudoku quilt today. I wanted to get the grids sewn together before I picked Margaret up for her afternoon appointment. I needed to get as far along as possible so I would have measurements and a plan to take to the fabric store when I picked out material. I had the sewing finished before lunch but then Pat and I got discussing possibilities for the borders and the time flew. I barely had time for lunch. In fact, if Pat hadn’t made me a sandwich I probably would have settled for a container of yogurt.
Margaret had her hearing tested today. When I picked her up I asked if she had remembered to bring her second hearing aid – she usually only wears one. Her response was “I’m firing on all cylinders today and I even remembered to put it in!” She thought her test might take an hour so I took my book along. She was only in about half an hour because the results on the initial test were good and they didn’t need to do any additional testing. The doctor told her that she should be wearing both aids. Margaret also mentioned to the doctor that she had trouble hearing in Church. When she said she sits in the back of the church the doctor said she should move to the front. Margaret says she’s been sitting in that spot for so long that she knows everyone who sits in her row, and she’d feel odd moving up to the front.
We stopped for coffee after the appointment. The stories today included some about her bowling skills. She played in a couple of leagues and she was a good; her average was 180! She has told me before about her trip to New York in 1950. On that trip she and her girlfriend met a waiter and when he got off work (about 2 AM) they all went bowling. It was the first time she had seen ten-pin bowling.
I stopped at the fabric store on my way home and picked out material for the backing and the border of my quilt. The piece will end up with three borders – two plain and one pieced border. At least that is how the picture in my head looks. Now that I have the fabrics I can play a bit and see if I still like my idea.

I had time before supper to sew the black frame around the quilt. The mitered corners took a bit of extra time but I like the result. I had to watch the video a couple of times to refresh my memory. I used that technique on my Mystery Quilt but that seems like a long time ago.