Friday, March 9, 2012

I made great progress on my Sudoku quilt today. All the grids are done and I’m ready for the next step. Part of that next step will be to decide how large I want the piece to be. Should it be a wall hanging? Should I make a lap quilt? I’ve never been in the home of the person who will be receiving it so I’ll be guessing either way.
Margaret was to have had a hearing test today but it was cancelled. We had decided I would pick her up about quarter to one so she could run a few errands and then we’d have coffee. It was windy and rainy out so I made sure I was a little early so she wouldn’t be standing out in the rain. When she still hadn’t come out at one o’clock I thought I’d better go to the door and check on her.
She was fine, but thought I was coming at quarter past one. It only took her a minute to put her teeth in, grab her purse and find her coat. As I was getting ready to pull out of the driveway, she pulled out her lipstick. She told me that once someone had said to her that they wouldn’t be able to put lipstick on without a mirror. Her response was “Don’t you know where your mouth is?”
Margaret likes to find the paper at McDonalds and looks up our horoscopes. She didn’t find them in the paper today, but she did find an article about Brian Burke’s fight against homophobia in hockey. Then she asked me what homophobia meant. Imagine me, in a crowded McDonalds, explaining the topic to an 89-year old woman who is hard of hearing and only wearing one hearing aid! Awkward, as Kathryn would say.
When I got home Joel and Zoe were here to play some music with Pat. I came up to my studio to continue my sewing but when I heard Zoe I went down to say hi. She wanted to see my studio so I was able to show her all the things I’ve been working on. It is seldom that anyone sees my area – if I’d known I’d be showing it off I would have cleaned up a bit.
I’m off now to work on my Easter project.