Wednesday, February 15, 2012
For a day at home, I got very little knitting done. I’ve started on the border of the blanket so I’m in the home stretch. I did laundry today; in fact I’m still doing some of the drying.
I spent a bit of time this morning in my studio. It was nice to be upstairs among my fabrics and patterns. Pat had his piano lesson this afternoon and since my fabric store is sort of on the way I decided I’d go along with him. But first I needed to do some measuring and check some patterns.
I wanted a fabric for the binding on my Mystery Quilt. I thought I might have enough of the pink fabric left, but it would be tight and I’d hate to run out. I found a deeper shade of pink from the same fabric line. I think it will look good, but I never really know until it is done (and by then it is too late).
I’m signed up for a class at the end of February to learn how to make a quilted jacket. I need 150 five-inch squares for it, as well as some lining. I had enough of the floral material I used on my Mystery Quilt to use for the lining and, instead of using batting, I bought some flannel to use. I want a jacket for our Italy trip with a bit of warmth, but not to heavy to pack. I will use some of the green and pink material from my quilt, along with some other colours that I had in my stash. I’m wondering now though if making a jacket with so many of the same materials as my Mystery Quilt will make me feel like I’m wearing my quilt!
We were off to the movie again tonight. For the past couple of seasons our art films have seemed a little less like art and a bit more like indie films. Not so with the one we saw tonight. All through the film I kept thinking something was going to click and I would get it. That didn’t happen, but I enjoyed the movie anyway. On the way home Pat and I talked about what we thought was going on. From ideas I had, along with ideas Pat had, I think we figured it out.
The movie was a good lead-in to the Film Festival that starts tomorrow night.