Monday, January 9, 2012

I said last night that I intended to finish off my Mystery Quilt project today. I was in my studio before nine, but realized that in order to position all the pieces I would need to find my way to my craft table. I was tempted to simply clear a path but my conscience got the better of me and I decided I’d better put away my Christmas stuff.
By ten I had the craft side of my studio all set up and ready to go. But what happened to the sewing side? It was noon before I had everything cleaned up and put away. Right after lunch I drove Pat to the airport for his flight to Vancouver.

As soon as I got home I started working on the quilt top from the weekend. I think I have come up with a name for the piece, but until I’m sure I will continue to call it the Mystery Quilt. It was more or less into the evening before I finished it up. With no one but me here I didn’t have to worry about having dinner at a reasonable time.
And while I sat on the chair in my studio and chatted on the phone with Pat I found that one ornament that always gets missed when I put the decorations away!